Τετάρτη 3 Φεβρουαρίου 2010

Αντιστρεπτές μεταβολές και ο νόμος του τίποτα

Το ταξίδι στο άπειρο και στο αιώνιο δεν έχει ούτε αρχή ούτε τέλος. Είναι έξω απο τις μορφές και τους μηχανισμούς(matrix), εκεί όπου όλες οι καρμικές μεταβολές ειναι αντιστρεπτές.

Εντροπία είναι:


Κατά τη διαγραφή ενός κύκλου κατά τον οποίο οι μεταβολές είναι αντιστρεπτές ? όπως ο κύκλος Carnot, η συνολική μεταβολή της εντροπίας - η μεταβολή της δηλαδή κατά τη «συμπλήρωση του κύκλου - είναι μηδέν. Μπορούμε να γράφουμε ΔS = 0


Απέδειξε ότι στην απόδοση των μηχανών υπάρχει ένα όριο
Το οποίο είναι αξεπέραστο όχι για λόγους τεχνολογίας
Αλλά διότι σχετίζεται με τη λειτουργία του Σύμπαντος

ΙΔΑΝΙΚΗ μηχανή,
δηλαδή μια μηχανή, μοντέλο που λειτουργεί χωρίς τριβές
και «δεν κυκλοφορεί στα δρομάκια της Πραγματικότητας»

ένα μοντέλο δηλαδή αερίου που υπακούει απόλυτα στην καταστατική εξίσωση
και δεν υπάρχει στην Πραγματικότητα

φαινόμενα δηλαδή μοντέλα
που δεν συμβαίνουν στην Πραγματικότητα
και ο ΚΥΚΛΟΣ CARNOT, έχει τη μεγαλύτερη απόδοση
από οποιαδήποτε άλλη μηχανή με αυτά τα προσόντα.

Some quotes from: http://www.fmbr.org/cosmiclaw/1nothingness.htm

Robert Frost has a line, “Home is the place where they have to take you in.” Well, home is your inner quiet center. It is the source of strength, of joy, of health, of creativity, of wisdom, of self-knowledge. It is the place where we are face to face with the immanent, the greatest experience of life. The ancient Hebrews had a word for it, ‘t’shuvah,’ meaning the moment that you raise the thought of returning home. From that moment everything is different!

When we are centered in that quiet empty place, our perceptions are clearest, our hang-ups are diminished and true essences come into focus. Our expressions flow more smoothly. Our creations are most flawless. We experience actionless action, effortless effort. We become willing agents of the Universe in its infinite power and direction.

This empty place is called in the Sanskrit wisdom texts Nirvana and Sunyata. But this empty place is not so quiet after all. Quantum mechanics shows that every point in the vacuum possesses an infinite amount of energy, unmanifest, unformed energy. This universe exploded out of it, and will again, and has done so many times.

This quiet center (any quiet center is the quiet center) is the place of infinite potential. Our modern word ‘power’ comes from the concept of potential. In contrast, we have the concept of kinetic energy. In potentia everything is possible. In the state of maximum kinetic states nothing else is possible, at that moment.

Emptiness is where we encounter the ritam bhara pragyam, the domain of eternal form. This is a Vedic concept, corresponding to Plato’s field of ideals, Jung’s archetypes, and DeChardin’s noosphere. Timeless forms of aesthetics, ethics, logic, mathematics, and humanity reside here. ‘This world,’ by contrast, is in a restless flux of ever-changing forms and polarities, recognized by Jung in his concept of enantiodromia, the tendency of things to abruptly reverse themselves.

The pinnacle of Vedic thought is the idea that your innermost self (Atman, ever more subtle, ever contracting) is the identical to the entire universe (Brahman, ever expanding, cosmic). We are one, one with everything. To approach the universe, understand it, play with it, produce effects through your pure center. Life becomes active and joyful. Just be centered, then you become nothing / everything.

Zen epitomizes this power of emptiness by the koan, “Even a good thing is not as good as nothing.”



quotes by maharishi mahesh yogi:

“Get to nothingness, which is one’s own consciousness, and then you find everything.

“To remove poverty, we go one further step, which consists to be deprived of any material.”

“Aim at this high absolute self sufficiency, devoid of any scarcity.

“At the source of the material life, the vacuum state of the unmanifest field of nothingness, emptiness, we find wealth, power, knowledge and bliss. One just thinks and the desire gets accomplished immediately.

“We experience inner Affluence, Totality, then, practically, all possibilities is open to our awareness.

“It is not wealth that we aim at, but the source of wealth, the state of affluence, self sufficiency and invincibility. There we find everything : Total Knowledge, the Devatas, Total Brahm. The flow and the non-flow is there, nothing and everything is there.

